Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Truth About Getting a Job Today

When it was time to begin looking for a college for my son to attend, I found a really great book which gave an insider’s scoop on how to get into a top-tier college - including Ivy League colleges. (If you’re interested, the name of the book is, “The Truth About Getting In,” by Katherine Cohen, Ph.D.) The book provides a lot of insight and information about what it really takes to get into the college of your dreams.

The idea of getting into a top-tier college can be likened to trying to get a job today – I’m sorry to say, it seems to be just as hard! Unfortunately, I keep coming across job seekers who just don’t have a clue as to what it takes to get a job in this difficult job market. While it may be very hard to get a good job today, it is certainly possible – if you do the right things to get in.

Here is a list of the essential things you need to do to get in and get a great job today (I’m not talking Starbucks!):

1)     Prepare marketing materials that “sell” you. Be sure to hire a trained, certified, expert resume writer – don’t try to do the job yourself and don’t think the $99 - $199 resume writer you can get on Craigslist will do the trick. Would you go to a physician’s assistant to treat a brain tumor?

2)     Identify your accomplishments; if you don’t have enough, get some. Volunteer to do pro bono work and get endorsements that attest to your work product.

3)     Convey your uniqueness. What sets you apart from the 300 other candidates vying for the same job?

4)     Separate yourself from the pack in your industry. It may require getting a higher degree or certification to develop expertise in a highly sought after niche area of your industry.

5)     Position yourself in the top 10% in your industry. Remember how everyone was so impressed by the kids who graduated at the top of their class? There is no arguing with excellence.

6)     Establish meaningful networks. Join trade associations and actively get involved and get to know the members. You never know, the next person you set up a Starbucks coffee date with may put you in touch with a company that has the perfect job opening for you.

7)     Don’t look for a job ONLY using traditional methods. I want to scream every time a job seeker tells me they’ve spent the majority of their time submitting their resume to job postings on job boards. It’s like the disillusioned, bad singers you see on American Idol; I’m always shocked at how they really think they have good singing voices!

Finally, please keep in mind…

Even if you work extremely hard at setting yourself up for success, it’s a process that doesn’t happen overnight.

Finding a job can be compared to starting up a new business; there are a lot of things you have to get in place and set in motion before the business begins to thrive. For example, it takes time to write up a business and marketing plan, identify and get in touch with your ideal customers, set up systems, get financing, serve your customer, create good will – you get the idea – it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that takes time, but once everything is set in place the business will eventually be self-sustainable.

Here’s the really good news.

Once you establish yourself as a sought-after worker and have a valuable network in place, you will never, EVER have to look for a job again; the jobs will come to you.

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