Monday, February 10, 2014

Hot Career Trends for Today's Job Seeker

Q. Despite companies advertising that they do not discriminate they undoubtedly do. I am a career accounting/finance professional who just turned 62. I see positions I can do with my eyes closed not giving me the time of day. What does a tenured job seeker do to even get an interview?

A.Age discrimination in the workplace is a valid concern. In a past newsletter entitled How to Conquer Age Discrimination, I addressed this topic and provided solutions for finding a job in spite of age discrimination. However, I would be understating the issue if I didn't acknowledge that it may be challenging to secure the full-time position that you seek. Aside from age discrimination, there are a number of other reasons for finding it increasingly difficult for older workers to secure a full-time position - today's extremely competitive job market where there is a glut of applicants waiting in the wings for every advertised job opening including many younger workers willing to take a lower salary. Then there's the globalization of today's economy where many jobs are shipped out to other countries that provide cheaper labor and reduce the number of available jobs, and of course the uncertainty caused by our evolving healthcare system which has caused many companies to cut back on hiring.

It seems like a no-win situation for job seekers over 50. However, if you're familiar with my philosophy as a career coach, you know that I believe there is always a solution to our challenges; the solution just may not be exactly what you would want it to be!

Here are a few solutions that are a bit "outside of the box" for older workers to consider - however, these strategies can be used by anyone who is having difficulty securing a full-time position in today's job market:

1)    Increase your competitive edge in the job market -

Become an expert in an area of your field in which few people have developed expertise then develop and market that as your personal brand. For example, I had a client who worked as an underwriter in marine insurance specializing in insurance for container terminals. There weren't many people who had his specialized knowledge so he was fortunate enough to have jobs come to him instead of the other way around. You can figure this out by doing some research into the highly sought after top performers in your field. Consider what background, experience, or knowledge makes them in high demand - then see if you can acquire some of their expertise.

2)    Consider Contract Staffing -

In times of economic downturn, contract staffing surges. While this solution might seem like contract employees are getting the short end of the stick as these positions do not offer benefits, stability or long-term security, contract work does offer some advantages as estimates reveal that 38% of contractors convert to full time work.

In addition, contract staffing: 
  • Provides a means for keeping your work skills current.
  • Pays more; about 20% more on average.
  • Provides the opportunity to get experience in new business areas or technology.
  • Is a way to get your foot in the door of a company that wouldn't consider you otherwise.
  • Provides a great networking opportunity. 
And - 90% - 95% of U.S. companies use or have used contract staffing.

FYI, the most common contract staffing positions are in IT, Life Sciences (pharma, healthcare), Accounting & Finance, Administrative/clerical, Engineering, and Legal/Paralegal.

3)    Create your own Portfolio Career -

A portfolio career may be a term that is new to you but it's a hot new trend in careers that is becoming increasingly popular in response to the stagnant job market.

Portfolio Career: -
Having two or more jobs (or projects) working for different employers or mixing traditional employment with self-employment.

Portfolio careers differ from the traditional single track careers that we have become accustomed to striving for and trained to believe is the only option to consider; however, the world of work has changed! Designing a portfolio career is a way to create multiple streams of income so that you don't have to be dependent on one. It provides you with more flexibility and the opportunity to pursue multiple interests, and to create more fun and enjoyment in your career. It is the ultimate "empowered" career.

Keep in mind the various jobs may relate and use the same skill set you possess or they may be completely different and unrelated.

Here are 2 real-life examples:

Trish works 3 days per week as a software developer for a company in NYC. During the rest of the week she works as a fitness instructor teaching pilates and weight lifting classes. In addition, she works one-on-one with private clients.

John is a college professor who teaches business classes at a university. He also earns income from speaking engagements and consulting work with corporations.

Here are a few benefits to creating a portfolio career: 

  • The opportunity to use different skills and incorporate various interests into your work.
  • An alternative way to earn income in the event you lose your job.
  • Flexibility to create your own schedule.
  • The chance to build skills that may not otherwise be available to you.
Contact Career Advancement Coaching if you need help implementing any of the above strategies.

How to Make Lasting Positive Change in 2014

January is a great time to stand back and take stock of your life to see how you can make some positive changes. It's a common theme you will hear as most people are motivated to take action at this time of year. The ironic thing is that New Year's resolutions are usually forgotten by February  - probably because the resolution was more of a wish than a goal. 

If you really want to make significant change in your life, the key to accomplishing resolutions is to begin by making sure that you have a burning desire to accomplish your resolution and a commitment to seeing the process through to making your goals a reality.

"Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals for yourself and then to work toward them every day will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor."
- Brian Tracy

Decide what you really want -

Before setting goals, you may want to ponder a few questions in order to gain clarity about what it is that you really want to accomplish:

  • What is currently working in my life?
  • What is not working?
  • What do I really want to change and improve?
  • How will my life change once I accomplish my goal(s)?

Create a SMART goal -

Some brilliant person in the business management world created the SMART goal acronym years ago - it's a great tool that will help you to focus and follow through on your goals:

S - Specific - What is your goal? What do you really want?
Spell out the target you are aiming for very precisely and be sure to write it down.

M - Measurable - How will you know when you've done it?
State your goal in such a way that you can measure exactly when you have arrived as well as how far along you are at any specific moment.

A - Achievable - Is it physically possible to accomplish your goal within whatever limits you must consider?

R - Reasonable - Do you have the time, resources, etc. to accomplish your goal? Can it be accomplished within the specified time and with the resources you have available?

T - Time Oriented - By when will you reach this goal?

The most important steps to take are to decide exactly what you want, write it down, and then set a deadline to reach your goal.

Take small steps consistently to see results -

In one of my favorite books, "What Happy People Know,"psychologist Dan Baker points out that if you truly want to be happy in your life, you need to work on the following three areas of your life on a daily basis: your health, relationships, and career.

The typical New Year's Resolution usually involves goals around losing weight or making more money. However, if you truly want to improve your life and make lasting positive change, the easiest way to do so is to simply do small things consistently in these three areas on a daily basis  - that will make the most significant impact on your life in the long run.

For example, to improve your health you may decide to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep every night, eat more wholesome, healthy foods, avoid processed foods, and take a 30- minute walk daily. Voila! Better health!

To improve your relationships, you may decide to spend more time with loved ones (and to be fully present when you do), improve communication with others by listening intently, and to expand your networks by looking for opportunities to connect with others.

And, if you want to improve your career -

The best advice would be to find work that you love. As Dr. Baker states in his book:

"Loving your job is the ultimate freedom. It means, in effect, that you never have to work - you just play hard and collect your check. You can't beat that for leisure."

A final word -

If you really want to achieve anything worthwhile by the end of the year, the perfect time to start is NOW