Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do you have what it takes to be a success?

When I was a kid, I just loved going on the merry-go-round at our local amusement park. I was captivated by the loud music, bright lights, colorful wooden horses and thrill of the circular motion.  While the ride itself was exciting, the thing that fascinated me the most was the
brass ring that you could grab if you were lucky enough to be able to reach out and take hold of it. I would extend my little arm and reach as far as I could, but unfortunately, I was never able to reach far enough to grab the brass ring - it seemed like an impossible feat for me.

Isn't that the way we sometimes feel about this life?
Some things just seem impossible to accomplish.

But, have you ever noticed the people who seem to have figured out how to go after and have the things they want? They have a clear direction for their lives, the confidence to attain their goals, and the focused concentration and consistency to live their dreams.

What is it that sets these fortunate individuals apart from those who never seem to attain their goals? Do you ever wish you could replicate their success?

In my opinion, the key to success boils down to developing certain characteristics and habits, cultivating a successful mindset, getting the help and support you need and then working at it on a daily basis. Successful people aren't any more talented than the average person; they are just more disciplined and focused than most.

To inspire you and help you to find your own path to success, I've put together a list of 40 Success Tips - habits that high achievers develop in the pursuit of excellence. In essence, they are highly effective habits of successful people. Cultivate these habits and you too will achieve satisfying and sustainable results in any endeavor.

Come follow me on Twitter at for a list of tips that will inspire you and help you to reach out and grab your brass ring in life!

What do you think it takes to be a success?
I’d love to hear from you, please post your comments below.

Success Tip #1 – Create a vision for your life.
Success Tip #2 – Set goals and challenge yourself.
Success Tip #3 - Focus on solutions instead of problems.
Success Tip #4 - View your problems as challenges.
Success Tip #5 - Look for opportunities when faced with a problem.
 Success Tip #6 - Get help when you don’t know how to do something.
Success Tip #7 - Instead of envying others, emulate their success
Success Tip #8 -  Develop an “abundance” mindset.
Success Tip #9 - Hang around with positive, successful people.
Success Tip #10 - Eliminate toxic people who drain your energy.
Success Tip #11 - Make good health your top priority.
Success Tip #12 - Take control of your problems.
Success Tip #13 - Continually work on self-improvement.
Success Tip #14 - Take responsibility for your life.
Success Tip #15 - Realize you have choices.
Success Tip #16 - Accept what you cannot change.
Success Tip #17 - Continually reflect on what you are grateful for.
Success Tip #18 - Focus on your strengths.
Success Tip #19 - Explore your passions.
Success Tip #20 - Develop your interests.
Success Tip #21 - Tap into inspiration when you need to be recharged.

Success Tip #22 - Incorporate healthy eating habits into every day.
Success Tip #23 - Exercise daily.
Success Tip #24 - Don’t make excuses for your situation
Success Tip #25 - When you have a problem, do the research to find solutions.
Success Tip #26 - Feed your mind, body and spirit.
Success Tip #27 - Focus on what makes you happy, not rich.
Success Tip #28 - Do what you think is right, not what other people tell you to do.
Success Tip #29 - Let your values guide your decisions.
Success Tip #30 - Re-group when your life becomes stagnant.
Success Tip #31 - Be consistent.
Success Tip #32 - Be persistent.
Success Tip #33 - Don’t waste time watching a lot of TV.
Success Tip #34 - Continually educate yourself through reading.
Success Tip #35 - Listen to educational audio tapes.
Success Tip #36 - Be a well-rounded person.
Success Tip #37 - Face your fears.
Success Tip #38 - Stretch yourself.
Success Tip #39 - Practice positive self-talk.
Success Tip #40 - Believe in yourself.