Last week I gave you some practical tips for getting through the job search process. This week’s tips help you to maintain a positive outlook while going through the process.
Tip #1 – Go with your internal clock
Are you an owl or a lark? Do you do your best work in the morning or at night? Schedule your toughest activities when you have the energy to do them.
Tip #2 – Take care of yourself
It’s easy to neglect other areas of your life when you’re focusing on finding a job. Unfortunately, that won’t help to keep your spirits up and your stress down. Exercise, eat healthfully and put aside an hour each day to do something that you enjoy.
Tip #3 – Make another important list
In my last newsletter, I suggested you make a list of all the things you need to do on a daily basis to conduct a successful job search. Here’s another helpful list. Make a list of all of the things that you value in life – things that are important to you. It may be time with your kids, cooking gourmet meals, or keeping up with a hobby. Now schedule those activities onto your calendar. This is another great way to exercise self care and prevent job search burn-out.
Tip #4 – Surround yourself with positive people and thoughts
During your daily “me” time, read inspiring books and listen to uplifting CDs (you can rent them from your local library and download them onto your computer or iPod). Watch funny moves, google funny jokes, or look up funny videos on YouTube. All of these activities help to raise your spirits, and lift your mood.
Tip #5 – Resist procrastination
If you put off your job search, it will not go away and you’ll only end up feeling guilty. The best cure for procrastination is to have a plan and follow it faithfully, even when you don’t feel like it. As Nike says, “just do it!”
Tip #6 – Take it outside
Don’t isolate yourself by spending all of your time indoors. Instead, schedule lunch or coffee breaks with friends or better yet, make time to network with others. Perhaps you can also do some other tasks at the coffee shop, like researching companies on the internet, or sending out thank you letters.
Tip #7 – Visualize yourself being successful
Imagine being called for interviews, projecting confidence and then receiving offers. This will help you to maintain a positive outlook and a hopeful expectancy.
Don’t let the job hunt get you down! If you consistently follow the above tips, you’ll be able to increase the odds of finding a job in less time and with less stress. You’ll have a job before you know it!